
Within the LOKI-PED project workshops with different stakeholders will enable the participation of airlines as well as manufacturers of additional mitigation measures among others. 

We will conduct workshops with airline crews at the Flight Test Facility of the Fraunhofer IBP in Holzkirchen. Thereby, we want to analyse and improve existing procedures dealing with the thermal runaway of the Lithium-Ion-Batteries in Portable Electronic Devices. Furthermore, existing mitigation measures will be tested and assessed in a real cabin environment regarding their handling and effectiveness. Therefore, we welcome airlines sending crew members and safety experts to work together with the LOKI-PED consortium on safer handling of PEDs under thermal runaway. 

We are looking for manufacturers of additional mitigation measures against PEDs under thermal runaway. We will assess the handling and effectiveness of these measures at the Battery Test Facility of Fraunhofer EMI and an A320 mockup as well as the Flight Test Facility of Fraunhofer IBP.